Satori Clarke
Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Breathwork
Satori believes our ability to tune in (to what our bodies are saying) and taking steps toward living in alignment with that (aka. living authentically), is crucial for vibrant health and wellbeing; not only for ourselves but also for our communities and ecosystems.
Her appreciation for the interconnectedness of our minds, bodies, emotions and souls deepened through the registered holistic nutritionist program at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN). Along with her peers, she expanded her awareness of body, mind and mood responses to food and digestion; dove into the anatomy and physiology of our various systems (digestive, endocrine, neural, muscular, immune, etc.); became all too aware of the way stress and inflammation influence ALL of these; and thankfully engaged with effective tools to support balance in each. She continued to pursue the mind - body connection at Quest University, focusing on the neuroscience of mental health and wellbeing. During this degree, she engaged with Conscious Connected Breathwork and became a witness to changes in her thoughts, reactions, and felt sense of wellbeing. This personal transformation demanded the attention of her academic endeavours, and so she devoted her thesis to exploring the science behind breathwork. She is honoured to hold space for the practice of breathwork, and be a witness to deep inner journeys and healing.
You can connect with her @my.syzygy on instagram, or directly through [email protected]